2012-2013 Budget Appeal Report



The 2013 Budget Appeal was approved at Fall Sessions 2012. The Budget Fund into which the donations were sent was closed just prior to Spring Sessions 2013 and transferred into regular Yearly Meeting accounts for budgeting purposes.


á        101 Friends/families were initially identified for solicitation, including Development Committee members.


á        77 of the above were designated to the five Development Committee members and three additional volunteers (8 solicitors).


á       The resulting Budget Appeal Fund income totaled $22,960 as follows:

n   Thirty eight individuals contributed, with a range from $20 to $3000,

n   Two monthly meetings contributed $25 and $3000 respectively,

n   One quarterly meeting contributed $2000,

n   $4425 of the 2012 surplus was transferred to the fund,

n   There were multiple unspecified pledges which were not fulfilled.


á        The remainder (24) of the Friends identified for solicitation plus those who had made unspecified pledges without initial follow up were contacted after Spring Sessions 2013 in an email follow up by the committee. Any further donations from these or other individuals will be accounted for as Ògifts from FriendsÓ, as has been the norm from year to year.


á        The original goal of the Committee had been $40,000. The solicitation process was made difficult by the short duration of the work of the committee (begun only after Fall Sessions 2012), the fact of this being a first time effort, the lack of a committee budget line, and the small number of committee members, as well as some organizational difficulty within the committee. The purpose of this observation is to place future pledge drives and related work of the committee in proper perspective relative to potential future results.


á        For comparative reference, First Quarter 2012 Budget Fund income totaled $8751.00.



Jeffrey Aaron, Clerk, GSCC

June 6, 2013