At Manhasset Meeting a Quaker is someone who strives to be a Mystic tempered by “selfless”
love. He or she gathers with others of a like mind to touch the DIVINE in a group setting by
seeking to dwell in a NOW moment to experience the WONDER of being in the NOW, where
Moses encountered the GREAT I AM, and thus encounter the TRUTH. Desiring to sense unity
with the DIVINE, who has chosen down through the ages to dwell in and with us, we strive to do
this by studying the great spiritual works and masters who have found this place in the past; by
experiencing through observation and not analysis the WONDER of each encounter with the
DIVINE and his/her CREATION; and by laying down our lives, often in small ways, for others
in an act of selfless/agape love. We can be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu, or
just a man or woman who has found a river channel of GRACE that enables us to grow in our
love for the DIVINE and for others, a person in whom others can sense a peace that surpasses
understanding and a genuine sense of caring.