ARCH - Aging Resources Consultation Help

Aging support grounded in mutuality, connection, and care


Aging Resources, Consultation and Help
Click to Make a Contribution

Growing older affects us all

The ARCH Program is for Friends in NYYM and NEYM facing changes brought by aging - and who are interested in giving and receiving peer support to navigate practical, emotional, and spiritual matters.

Take action with FCNL to protect Medicaid and SNAP here

Register for a workshop:

Advance Planning for Decline and Death: a three-part online workshop series

This three-part series focuses on planning for serious illness, deathcare, and remembrance. Friends of all ages are invited to join via Zoom for this series, which will focus on the practical steps everyone should take and include spiritual queries to help us explore our relationship with our own mortality and how to care for ourselves and each other along the way. The workshop is facilitated by NEYM ARCH Coordinator Patti Muldoon on February 11, 18, and 25, from 3-5 p.m. Eastern. For more information and to register, click here.

The ARCH Foundations Workshop

The ARCH Foundations Workshop is a four-part introduction to ARCH, with opportunities to connect and think deeply about aging, and practice developing communities of mutual care. The ARCH Foundations Workshop is open to anyone in NYYM and NEYM and is offered twice a year, in the Spring and the Fall. Our four-week Foundations Workshop is engaging, reflective, nourishing, informative, and fun. The Spring 2025 Foundations Workshop will be held March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern Time. For more information and to register, click here.


Join an ARCH Group

ARCH Groups are ongoing monthly spaces for peer support and community building based on shared interests, experience, and wisdom. ARCH Groups happen on Zoom and are free of charge. The Zoom link and calendar invite will be sent by email when you register


Join the Inside Outside Letter Writing Collective

Connecting incarcerated people within NYYM with Friends on the outside: a mutual ministry that brings connection and understanding to participants on both sides of the walls.

Visit the Inside Outside Letter Writing Collective page to find out more and become involved. 


Order a Quaker Values & End of Life Decision Making Workbook

A 2023 revision of the classic ARCH Workbook is out! Information and ordering instructions are here

Bring an ARCH Workshop to your Meeting, Worship Group, or Region

Workshops can be done in person or on Zoom. A list of potential topics is below, but presentations can be tailored to your community, group, and time frame.

  • Spirituality and Aging

  • Change as Opportunity (trauma-informed)

  • Advance Directives and End of Life Decision Making

  • 'Share the Care', Developing Care Teams

  • 'After COVID, What 2?' (body-focused)

  • Upcoming virtual workshop: Befriending Grief December 11 at 3pm. Register here


Contact an ARCH Local Coordinator

The ARCH Program has 6 part time Local Coordinators to connect Friends and Monthly Meetings to resources in the NYYM and NEYM regions. Currently Local Coordinators are available in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, NorthEast, Purchase Quarter, and for the prisons.

Contact us to make a connection with ARCH in your area.


ARCH is in conversation with NY Quarterly Meeting's Concern for Quaker Living Working Group.

ARCH works with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting on a Quaker Aging Resources webpage.

ARCH endorses Baltimore Yearly Meeting's wonderful book A Tender Time, Quaker Voices on the End of Life.


Support ARCH

Are you someone who appreciates the care and nurture of the ARCH program and would like to contribute to our ongoing ministry? Please consider how you can support this work and share your appreciation with others.


Use the links below to


The ARCH Program is made possible by a grant from the Friends Foundation for the Aging and by individual donations. 

Aging Resources, Consultation and Help
Click to Make a Contribution