Quaker Values & End-of-Life Decision Making Workbook

Navigating the choices in our lives often invites thoughtful reflection, spiritual listening, and discernment. Considerations about the end of our lives are no exception.

About this workbook:

The Quaker Values & End-of-Life Decision Making Workbook, offered by NYYM’s ARCH Program, serves as a comprehensive, step-by-step planner for various aspects we may need to contemplate regarding the end of our lives. Recognizing that there is no universal 'right answer' or singular way of thinking, the workbook invites the reader into practical and spiritual considerations about the end of life, incorporating Quaker principles to offer guidance.

ARCH acknowledges that conversations about end-of-life choices assume social and economic privileges not shared by all Friends. The views and assumptions prevalent in discussions about end-of-life choices in the United States are often biased toward white and middle-class cultural norms. The 2023 Quaker Values & End of Life Decision Making Workbook is updated with 'reality checks,' in an effort to shed light on how race and racism influence these considerations.

Engaging with the text:

This paperback workbook may be read and completed individually, alongside loved ones, or with a Meeting or other spiritual community, at whatever pace you choose. ARCH Coordinators in NYYM and NEYM are available to offer workshops and interest groups using this text. Visit ARCH here.


Ordering the workbook:

To order the Quaker Values & End of Life Decision Making Workbook, please send your name, address, and desired quantity of paperback copies to [email protected].


A suggested donation of $15 per book can be made to NYYM by secure online payment here.



NYYM's ARCH Program is made possible through a grant from the Friends Foundation for Aging and by individual donations.
Support ARCH through financial contributions  here.

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