Earthcare Working Group
About Earthcare Working Group
New York Yearly Meeting's Earthcare Working Group works to raise awareness in the yearly meeting about earthcare concerns, coordinate the efforts of individual Friends following earthcare witness leadings, and serve as an organizing vehicle for collective earthcare action within the yearly meeting.

Witness Activities
Standing Rock Sioux Against the Dakota Access Pipeline (2016)
- Statement of support for the Standing Rock Sioux in their protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
- Press release distributed with the statement of support, September 7, 2016.
- Written and distributed in collaboration with NYYM Indian Affairs Committee.
COP21 Paris Climate Talks & Agreement (2015)
- Reports, analysis, and Resources on the 2015 Paris Climate Talks and Agreement
- Days 1–4: Quaker Earthcare Witness Report.
- Days 4–10: Quaker Earthcare Witness Report
Quaker Earthcare Witness at the UN
- QEW at the UN
- A portal for Quaker climate action across the globe from the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)
People's Climate March (2014)
Click the following to visit the People's Climate March web page. The March takes place September 21, 2014, in New York City, with New York Yearly Meeting as a participating organization. Local Friends are organizing a Quaker contingent and hospitality for Friends coming from a distance.
Commit to Staying Awake: Host an Earthcare Connector Friend
- Click the following link to learn about Earthcare Working Group's Earthcare Connectors, Friends who are traveling to local meetings to share their leadings regarding climate justice and living lightly on the earth.
Earthcare and the priorities of New York Yearly Meeting
A Call to the Meetings of New York Yearly Meeting
Introduction. At its Summer Sessions in 2014, New York Yearly Meeting approved new priorities for the Yearly Meeting intended to align the work of the Yearly Meeting's committees and working groups, its staff, and its institutions, with local Friends' priorities as discerned by the Priorities Working Group from its 78 visits with local meetings and worship groups.
The Call. The Earthcare Working Group (EWG) has begun its own process of discernment regarding these priorities and has issued a Call to the Meetings of New York Yearly Meeting to"contemplate and define what their role will be in the great “Transition” we must make in response to dramatic climate change, resource depletion, and severe economic contraction." Some meetings have already responded to this call. Click the links below to view EWG's work on NYYM priorities:
- EWG's discernment and implementation plan—How EWG plans to implement the priorities
- A Call to the Meetings of NYYM—A call to local meetings to engage in priorities-related earthcare efforts
- Meeting Responses to EWG's call—What some meetings are doing in response
Earthcare Resources
- Free DVD Lending Library
- Offseting Fossil Fuels
- Eco-spirit Mindful Living List
- The Low Carbon Diet
- "Green travel" tips
Clerks of Earthcare Working Group (EWG):
Robert (Sunfire) Kazmayer | Easton Meeting |
Margaret McCasland | Ithaca Meeting |
EWG Members:
Margaret McCasland | Ithaca Meeting |
Robert (Sunfire) Kazmayer | Easton Meeting |
Alice McMechen | Cornwall Meeting |
Pamela Boyce Simms | Hudson Meeting |
Janet Sonderberg | Fifteenth Street Meeting |