NYYM Trustees
Current Trustees
Please see the Committees section of the most recent Yearbook for a list of the current Trustees of New York Yearly Meeting.
New York Yearly Meeting, the Corporation
The Yearly Meeting is a corporation organized under the New York Religious Corporations Law. According to our By-Laws, the Trustees of our Yearly Meeting are “responsible for holding title to and administration of the properties, both real and personal, owned by the Corporation, and for the management of bequests and deeds of trust received by the Corporation in a fiduciary capacity.”
Our By-Laws state that the Trustees are appointed by the body of our Yearly Meeting in the following way:
The members of the Corporation shall appoint no fewer than five nor more than ten members of the Corporation to serve as Trustees of the Corporation. Appointees shall serve staggered terms of four years each, and may be reappointed for a second consecutive four-year term, provided that a Trustee may not serve more than ten consecutive years (in the event of appointment to fill a partial term). At any meeting of the Corporation the members may appoint Trustees to succeed those whose terms have expired, or to fill vacancies for unexpired terms.
Trustee-managed Funds
The Yearly Meeting Trustees manage the assets of several funds which, for the most part, consist of a number of bequests or gifts made to the Yearly Meeting and the assets of Meetings that have been laid down. All of the funds currently are invested at Friends Fiduciary Corporation.
- See the descriptions of the NYYM invested funds.
- See the listing of the NYYM accounts held at Friends Fiduciary Corporation.
- Learn about redesignations of income from Trustee-managed Funds (approved Summer Sessions 2016)
- Trustees' summary report to Summer Sessions 2016 (pdf file)
- Trust Funds Designations Chart (as of May 27, 2016)
- Learn how to apply for grants from funds that are open to application from meetings and/or individuals, depending on the fund.
Meetings and Contacts
The Trustees meet at each of the Spring, Summer, and Fall Sessions, and at other times as the need may arise. The Minutes of these meetings are available below. Members are encouraged to contact the Trustees through its clerk. For the current clerk's contact information, please contact the yearly meeting office, [email protected], 212-673-5750.
Minutes of the Trustees
The Minutes of the Trustees are stored in Google Drive. We recommend using this link to use Google Drive's interface for browsing the folders, or you can find the appropriate folder link below.
Role of the Financial Clerk of the NYYM Trustees | 04/06/2023 |
NYYM Bylaws | 11/03/2019 |