The Witness Activities Fund
The Witness Activities Fund
Each year, the Witness Coordinating Committee sets aside a portion of the Sharing Fund to use in supporting the leadings of individuals and monthly or regional meetings to work on peace, environmental, and social justice issues. This line in our budget is known as the Witness Activities Fund (WAF).
Applying for support for witness leadings
Grants are given to local meetings. Individuals who apply for support of their leadings are asked to obtain the support of their monthly meetings for their projects. When a local meeting takes an individual's leading under its care, the meeting should invest its attention and other resources in the project. Accordingly, we ask local meetings to apply for grants from the Witness Activities Fund and we write the grant checks to the monthly meeting.
Application: Apply to Witness Coordinating Committee. Please apply online. Alternatively, open the application document, download as a Word document, fill it out and send it by email to [email protected]. You can also send a completed paper application to the NYYM office: NYYM Witness Activities | 15 Rutherford Place | New York NY 10003. If you have any questions, email [email protected].
Timeline. In January or early February, WCC distributes a letter to monthly meetings and yearly meeting committees inviting proposals for the current fiscal yeary.
Deadline: March 31. Applications received by the end of March will be considered at Spring Sessions. Any applications received after this deadline will be considered the following year, at Spring Sessions. If there is particular urgency, WCC may consider applications received after the deadline on a case-by-case basis.
Priority. If the funds available for grants are not sufficient to cover all the requests, priority will be given to projects that have not previously been awarded grants.