Agenda Scheduling Concept

by Jeffrey Aaron 
Clerk, New York Yearly Meeting


If you have an item that you would like to propose for a NYYM gathering agenda, please plan far ahead and consider the following guidelines. Items submitted after deadlines or without normal process seasoning may not make it onto the agenda.



  • The usual order to consider a concern: individual > committee > CC > YM Clerk
  • Consideration of the timing of scheduled meetings, especially Coordinating Committee (“CC”) meetings, is critical!
  • “Draft notice”: when concern is ready for consideration by Clerk and proposing entity, providing at least 20 days before “good order” deadline
  • “Good order”: when items should finally (normally) be made available for dissemination in advance of a gathering - 30 days before the gathering
  • Seasoned Business Items (“SBI”) list items must be published the Monday before the gathering. Items should go to the Clerk 14 days or more before the gathering.


Example of timing, which could take several months or more: 

1.   Individual brings concern to committee clerk,

2.   Committee meets and writes minute, clerk forwards minute to CC clerk for CC consideration,

3.   CC meets and approves, clerk forwards to YM Clerk, who tentatively puts on the agenda,

4.   YM Clerk responds with any concerns, including clearness or process concerns,

5.   CC clerk responds with clarifications, YM Clerk puts final version on agenda,

6.   YM Clerk forwards to office, considering “Good Order” or SBI timing (see below),

7.   Office disseminates in timely fashion.


Friends or meetings that may bring agenda items directly to YM Clerk:

  • MMs, RMs
  • CC clerks, MfD SC clerk, Liaison (including “Affiliates” contact)
  • Affiliated bodies outside the yearly meeting (e.g. AFSC, NYS COC)
  • Individual Friends (who are usually first referred to an appropriate committee for seasoning of the concern)


Types of agenda items:

  • Reports (CC clerk advice is required for most reports other than automatic repeat items, such as Treasurer reports or Sessions gatherings data reports):
    • Regular, not for consideration for approval
    • Ad hoc or one time or ongoing, not for consideration for approval
  • Minutes, items for consideration for approval (usually including an introduction and/or within a report), e.g. budget, epistle, process or other changes, proposed letter from NYYM
  • “Special” reports:
    • Second readings/presentations (CC clerk advice normally needed)
    • Travel minutes, memorial minutes (MM/RM clerk advice normally needed)
    • Clerk’s interim actions reports
    • SBI list
    • Items taken off SBI list
    • Visitor reports
    • Timely and/or critical items coming from CC meetings during the gathering


Types of reports or agenda items sent to Clerk:

  • Simple advice of rising items likely for upcoming agenda (sent as soon as known)
  • Draft written reports
  • Final written reports
  • Actual written minutes proposed
  • Verbal reports, such as General Secretary reports


If you have any questions or concerns, you may consider asking the committee or CC clerk or the clerk of our yearly meeting.