Dear CommUnity

by Sheree Cammer
Albany Meeting


Let’s share our experiences with regeneration! This could include rewilding a lawn, regenerating dirt into living soil. Our experiences might include preserving critically significant biodiversity areas and corridors, restoring degraded ecosystems, working with nature to create landscapes to retain water, thus increasing resilience to flooding, drought, wildfires, and heat waves.


What fabulous news that regenerative practices including farming and grazing can turn desert into verdant pastures, alive with streams and wetlands!


Plants and trees pull carbon from the air and down into their roots, feeding microbes, which store the carbon in their bodies unless exposed to the air, where they die. Keeping soil covered and minimally disturbed are key regenerative practices.


May our coming together in this January Regeneration issue celebrate a coming back to life, in spirit realizing our connection with all life and each other, linked by each with the All Good, the Infinite, All Powerful.


May we connect deep in this ocean of spirit.


Contact Sheree to learn more about NYYM’s Friends in Unity with Nature Regeneration Group (FUN/Regeneration).