Fall Sessions 2013: Helpful People and Information

Caldwell College for Saturday, November 16th

120 Bloomfield Ave  Caldwell, NJ 07006,
973 618-3000, www.caldwell.edu

Directions to Caldwell College: www.caldwell.edu/about/directions

Campus Map: www.caldwell.edu/about/directions/campus-map.

RegistrationMeetings for Worship & Business, and Displays will be in Alumni Hall (#2 on campus map).

Lunch & Dinner will be in the Student Center (#4 on map).

Committees will meet in Werner Hall (#6 on map).

Liaison with Caldwell College – Judy Hinds, [email protected], 973-661-0067. 


Chatham-Summit Monthly Meeting (CSMM)

Friday night, November 15th & Sunday, November 17th

158 Southern Blvd, Chatham NJ 07928.
Contact: Jotham Bailey, home 973-763-4054

Directions to Chatham-Summitt Meeting: www.chathamquakers.org/directions.html.

Host Committee Co-Clerks – Judy Hinds, [email protected], 973-661-0067, cell 908-247-2952 & Rob Garber, [email protected], cell 973-420-3943 .

Audio-Visual Arrangements – Rob Garber, [email protected], cell 973-420-3943. (Caldwell College is supplying an AV Tech.)

CSMM Meals Coordinator – Jill Nanfeldt,

Committee Meeting Space Requests – Mia Kissil Hewitt, [email protected], cell 908-612-6390.

Include space needs for Committee Meetings for both Saturday, Nov 16th, and Sunday, Nov 17th. Committee meeting space is limited on Sunday, Nov 17th, at Chatham-Summit Meetinghouse.

Display Space Requests – Hal Haydock, [email protected], 973-334-2576 .

Housing Coordinator– Rae de la Cretaz, [email protected], 973-226-0328. 

Hotels: See also www.caldwell.edu/parents/lodging. This link gives details on five local hotels/motels.

Registrar – Alice Coulombe, [email protected], 845-638-1864.

Transportation Coordinator – Jotham Bailey, [email protected], home 973-763-4054, cell 973-207-9537.

Friday Night Program – Mike Clark & Chris DeRoller, [email protected]

Youth Program (including overnight Residential program for teens 13-17) Nathalie Bailey, [email protected], cell 973-519-1445 & Abigail Burford, [email protected], cell 973-932-9785. See separate article.