Minute: Croton Valley Meeting on Sexual Orientation

Croton Valley Meeting

Meeting for Business
January 20, 2008

Attending: Glen Johnson, Jim Wood, Tanya Cooper, Isa North, Polly Goodwin

The meeting began with a few minutes of silence, shortly after 10:00 A.M.

Friends considered the Scarsdale Monthly Meeting’s minute regarding Friends United Meeting:

Friends noted that Scarsdale Meeting has been engaged for some time with the questions raised by FUM’s policies toward gay and lesbian Friends whom we dearly love. Scarsdale Friends Meeting is in unity in finding these policies abhorrent. Although the meeting agreed that NYYM should remain affiliated with FUM, it recommended that NYYM communicate to FUM that it considers the personnel policies of FUM related to gays and lesbians contrary to the inclusive ministry of Jesus.

Croton Valley Meeting unites with this minute. The clerk will so inform the Clerk of Purchase Quarter.

Polly Goodwin, CVM Clerk