Minutes, Nurture Coordinating Committee, 07-22-13


July 22, 2013


Clerk:  Deborah Wood

present:(see list)


The meeting opened with silent worship.


Internal Nominating Committee:

The Clerk described the need for a permanent recording clerk and an assistant clerk, and asked for three Friends to serve this week and bring these nominations for approval.  Cinda Putman and Beatrice Beguin agreed to serve.

Discussion on Drugs and Alcohol:

On Wednesday evening, at the close of business, YM Clerk will ask Deb Wood to lead this discussion.   Members of NCC are needed to make notes of the discussion.  Ron Peterson, Karen Snare, and Norma Ellis agreed to be note takers. 

Deb will introduce this topic as it relates to Friends' testimony on integrity, as well as legal liabilities.   Two minutes were read aloud (and the Clerk will distribute them to NCC members).  One was written by young Friends at 2006 Summer Sessions and then presented to the adult business session. The other was also written by young Friends, and approved at the Powell House planning conference in September of 2007. These minutes call on the adults of YM to develop the needed dialogue toward establishing a substance-free environment at YM events.   These minutes will be read as part of the introduction.  Young Friends were being invited to attend.

There is a YM body to deal with issues of sexual abuse (Abuse Investigation Committee composed of the NYYM General Secretary, YM Assistant Clerk, and two named professionals). They are considering broadening the focus of this group to include dealing with the use of prohibited substances at Summer Sessions and interpersonal conflicts, and perhaps establishing a standing YM committee.

Deb will propose three queries to be considered in small groups that address these issues in a way that is grounded in our faith and our community. The Young Adult Concerns Committee had written several during an earlier meeting, and Deb was considering including one or more of these. Following the discussion in small groups, a time of sharing in the whole group is planned.

It is part of the work Nurture to help Friends to face and accept responsibility as a community.  It may be possible to plan a weekend that could give Friends an opportunity to look at next steps to keep our gatherings free of dependence on substances.

Chwele Task Group:

The Advance Report from the Chwele Task Group report included a memo from David Zarembka about recent violence in the Mount Elgon region where Chwele is the market town.  The Clerk will forward the Task Group report.

Resource Library:

A year ago, Florence McAllister requested help with this project, but no one had stepped forward.   Books in the library need to be catalogued and new materials added.  For preschool children, actual books are essential. NCC has a budget item of $300 to support the expenses of the Resource Library. 

Friends expressed gratitude to Florence for her many years of service in offering this resource to NYYM. Gabi Savory Bailey will write an article about the Resource Library for the Ministry of the Month Spotlight in the electronic newsletter she writes for young adults and families. 

Norma Ellis offered to work with Florence in the next few months to develop a structure to make the information available online.  Ron Peterson thought of another person who may be able to assist. Clerk asked these Friends for a report by Fall Sessions.  

Youth Programming at Fall Sessions:

Abigail Burford (Montclair MM) reported on plans for the youth program at Fall Sessions to be held at Chatham-Summit this year.  The theme will be "Vision," and some activities will include information about blindness.  Young Friends will also visit be invited to attend YM committee meetings.   All committee clerks have been asked for a brief (four sentence) report by mid-October  about the work of their committees and possible agenda items for their meeting at Fall Sessions. These should be emailed to Deb and Gabi.   Mike Clark and Abigail will develop a program announcement. This can be included in an invitation through JYM.

JYM only provides youth programs at Summer Sessions but JYM Committee clerks are considering a sub- committee to establish a structure to support youth activities in spring and fall.

A NCC consultation weekend could focus on the plan for this program and broader plans about how YM supports youth activities.  This summer, JYM is including learning opportunities about the greater work of NYYM.  It was pointed out that Friends become involved in the work when someone recognizes their gifts and invites their participation.  The Clerk will work on scheduling a weekend consultation in spring 2014.

The minutes were read revised, and approved.

The meeting closed in worship.

Beatrice Beguin, acting recording clerk




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