Monthly Meeting Project Update 

by Melinda Wenner Bradley
Children and Youth Feild Secretary


Friends at Montclair Meeting and Wilton Meeting have gathered for Listening Sessions, an opportunity to process together the themes lifted up in the Partner Project survey about meeting life, including experiences of welcome and inclusion. We’re identifying growing edges and hopes as a meeting community, and together creating next steps in relationship to one another, to deepen in Spirit, and to grow as multi-age community. I am deeply grateful to Friends in the Partner Meetings for their candor in this sharing, and their care of one another. I seem always to be re-learning the lesson that as Friends our spiritual journeys are about process and not a “product,” and this is true for the Partner Project as well. Our work is about being present to where we are and how we are in relationship with each other in this moment, and with that knowing, seeing where we want to go next and moving toward it together. This is a touchpoint moment of possibility and hope, and the Yearly Meeting will be seeking applications for two more meetings to join the Partner Project before Summer Sessions. Watch for more information!