NYYM Yearbook 2023-2024
The 2022-2023 Yearbook can be viewed by section:
- Annual Reports of Committees and Organizations, 2022-2023
- Friends Under Appointment (serving on yearly meeting committees or as representatives to other organizations)
- Financial Reports
- Statistical Report - coming soon
- Epistle — NYYM Friends could not unite on an epistle at Summer Sessions 2023. Instead, we sent out a statement on our condition and included the youth and young adult epistles.
- Sessions Minutes:
- Local Meetings Information - Contact information, and Worship times and location(s)
Related Links
NYYM Committee Pages - this website page contains the most up-to-date information on NYYM committees.
Find a Meeting - To contact one of our meetings or worship groups, please visit this page.
In the interest of personal privacy, the alphabetical listing of Friends under appointment to yearly meeting committees is not published online. Please see the printed edition of the Yearbook or call the Yearly Meeting office at 212-673-5750 for this information.