Pay as Led is now a reality for New York Yearly Meeting’s 2019 Summer Sessions!

In 2019, we are making our Summer Sessions more affordable to those who need it. In the past, many have had to stretch mightily in order to be able to attend, and some have stayed away because of the cost. Pay as Led is a daring experiment that counts on many people being led to pay more in order to make our summer gathering accessible to a wider range of f/Friends.


We hope Pay as Led will open up the NYYM Summer Sessions experience so we may become a more Blessed Community that is whole, wide-ranging, and all-embracing.


All the 2019 Summer Sessions information will be online at and will be in Spark starting in January 2019. Look for the details & join us!


To be successful....            Pay as Led will require new thinking!

Pay as Led will require close attention to new information! 

Pay as Led will require us to all to be both conscientious and generous!


New Thinking!

2019 is our first year experimenting with a Pay as Led process for lodging and meals at Silver Bay YMCA. Pay as Led invites people with limited financial means to pay less than the standard rate and for those with greater financial resources to pay more than the standard. We are specifying a minimum charge of 25% of the standard Silver Bay rates for the simplest accommodations. If this is still out of reach, we encourage folks to contact the YM office to see what other assistance may be available.


New Information!


Registration will begin in January of 2019.  

The reason is two-fold. First, we have a new contract with Silver Bay YMCA that requires us to process registrations and gather payments ourselves. This is so new to us, we will need lots of time to work out the kinks. Second, we want to accommodate and honor those who need time to consider the amount they can afford to pay and, if necessary, set up payment arrangements. The Pay as Led Registration & Payment Deadline is May 15th.


New Discernment!

For Pay as Led to be successful for each person and for NYYM as a whole, we all need to carefully discern what we can afford — and consider how we can help others attend if we are able. This is our opportunity to listen to Spirit and to reflect on the meaning of community, integrity, right sharing, and just simply wanting to be in the company of our faith community, for worship, work, play, new connections, and lots of hugs!


Friends Come in All Ages, Sizes and Colors: Our Path Toward Being Inclusive

New York Yearly Meeting’s Summer Sessions Theme for 2019


It was in 1652 that George Fox climbed Pendle Hill and envisioned a “great people waiting to be gathered.” We are the heirs to that vision and continue to look for that gathering. How do we bring that vision forward into the 21st century? How do we support the growth of our Religious Society so that it includes Friends of all ages, sizes, colors, and life styles? How do we live into the Quaker life?


It is a challenge to adapt to changing times and ways, but our belief in continuing revelation must be our guide, even when that requires us to be flexible and allow changes that may not be comfortable or easy. This belief and practice will be the way for us to move gracefully into this digital age and into a future that we cannot even imagine from here.


We are looking for ways to make the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends exciting and challenging for all who gather. How can we deepen our spiritual practice for all ages, and include more than the usual participants in our Meetings for Business? We will seek discernment on the way forward. You are invited to join in this seeking and add your voice and your Light.

—Jeffrey Aaron, NYYM Clerk


Junior Yearly Meeting

Junior Yearly Meeting (JYM) is the gathering of young people from NYYM. Young friends, from three years old through high school, come together at Summer Sessions for worship, learning, and fun. Many have found this group to be a strong foundation for their growing Quaker faith. It is a highlight of the summer gathering. For those who give their time to working with the YM youth, our goal for Junior Yearly Meeting is to give the participants a real experience of living in a blessed community with age-appropriate worship, play, and the exploration of Quaker testimonies and NYYM themes. Join us!