Quaker Outside the Lines 

by Emily Provance
Fifteen St Meeting


A multifaith conversation forum...an art installation on the cost of war...presentations about eradicating solitary confinement...neighborhood community building...a racial justice weekend...Spanish-language training for immigrants threatened with deportation...Quaker worship in unusual places. These are just a few of the projects in progress under Quaker Outside the Lines.  Will your project be next?


Quaker Outside the Lines, which is funded through a grant from Duke Divinity School, reimburses Friends for up to $200 in costs for projects that meet five simple requirements: 1. 
It involves Quakers and non-Quakers doing something together; 2. 
It is meaningful to someone in your neighborhood community; 3. 
At least part of it happens somewhere other than your meetinghouse or normal worship space; 4. 
It’s a reflection of your Quaker faith; 5. 
You post about it on social media at least once, using #quakeroutsidethelines.


If you’re a Friend in New York Yearly Meeting, and if you have a project in mind that meets these five requirements, you can apply at www.tinyurl.com/quakeroutsidethelines. You can do it as an individual Friend, as a small group, or as an entire meeting working together; you can do it whether you’re four years old or ninety-four; you can do it whether you’re a brand new Friend or a Quaker since birth.


Our time is limited. We have enough funds left to cover at least ten more projects, but applications must be in no later than September 30th, and projects have to be completely finished by October 31st. How do you Quaker Outside the Lines?