Quaker Portraits


Corey Devon Arthur is a published writer, an artist and a Quaker. He says that “becoming a Quaker has allowed me to confront the pains of my inner truths within a community of love and trust.” He is a member of the Otisville Prison Worship Group and is an at large member of NYYM.


He has created a collection of Quaker portraits — an eclectic representation of Friends spanning 400 years. He loves nothing more than connecting people through his art from behind prison walls, and he invites us to gather in community to share reflections and stories inspired by these paintings. The portraits are of George Fox, Margaret Fell, Mary Dyer, Bayard Rustin, Honey Knopp, Robert Martin and Judy Meikle. Each person has spent time behind prison walls in some shape, form or fashion.


You might be interested in exhibiting the original paintings at your meetinghouse. An online presentation on Zoom is also available. For further information contact Judy Meikle, [email protected]