Re-Imagining Our World

by Rebekah Rice
Saratoga Meeting


Imagine our grandchildren living with gratitude for the abundance that surrounds them, with gratitude for fresh air and water, with gratitude for the plants and medicinal plants, with gratitude for two-leggeds and four-leggeds, six-leggeds and eight-leggeds and winged friends. Imagine our grandchildren living with gratitude to earth and sun and moon and stars, to the ancestors of the past and of the future, to the teachers of all times and places. Imagine the celebrations of all our relations, of all people everywhere. Imagine that world where everyone has delicious food and beautiful shelter and health and well-being.


Is it possible now?


I want to live in a world where everyone has love and food and shelter and access to healing. I want to live in a world where everyone has time to create art and music if they want to; where everyone has some space to grow plants that are beautiful or healing or nourishing; where everyone has access to learning the skills they want to learn; where everyone can feel gratitude for this earth, for their community, for the abundance that surrounds them, and where nothing is wasted.