COVID-19: Resources for Friends and Meetings
Worship - Ideas and Strategies for Remote Worship
Hybrid In-Person/Remote Worship
- Thoughts on blending physical and online worship from Britain Yearly Meeting
- Hybrid Meeting Resources on Facebook
- Thoughts on blending physical and online worship from Britain Yearly Meeting
- Gathering In Worship When We Can't Physically Gather - From Ministry Coordinating Committee (MCC)
- Thoughts on Online Worship from Britain Yearly Meeting
- Video instructions for using Zoom to access online unprogrammed worship from Woodbrooke Quaker Conference Center
- Daily Online Worship with Pendle Hill 8:30-9:10AM EST
- Testimonials from NYYM Meetings for Worship March 22
- Worship at your Computer? An article by Sue Tannehill of Buffalo Monthly Meeting first published in Spark in 2018
- Worship Opportunities - A compiled list of local Meetings who are hosting digital worship
Children & Families
- Planning Religious Education Programming for Children During COVID-19 from FGC
- Fall Religious Education Planning: Connection and New Directions from PhYM
- Family Devotionals Daily with Emily Provance
- Valiant Together: Sharing Quaker Religious Education Support and Resources During COVID-19
- online resources for children and families
- support for religious education practitioners
- religious education lesson ideas and materials shared (for home and online)
- weekly 10:00am Children’s Meeting (religious ed program) to join
- What About the Kids? - Notes from the Local Meetings Respond Series
- Gathering Together: Support for Families and First Day Programs from Melinda Wenner Bradley
- Engaging With Children, Youth, and Families During Social Distancing from Melinda Wenner Bradley
Additional Opportunities
- Workshops and Retreats for Groups Facilitated Virtually by Emily Provance
- Support Powell House by attending an offering from the pay-as-led Virtual Workshop Series
Leadership - Suggestions for Navigating Clerking Remotely
- Local Meetings Respond to COVID-19 Weekly Call
- Resources for Clerking via Zoom and Conference Call from Emily Provance
- Clerking on Zoom - Notes from the Local Meetings Respond Series
- Represent Together: A Messaging Guide for Wellness and Safety
- Holding Quaker business meetings by teleconference from Britain Yearly Meeting
- Historic joint statement of unity from world churches: stay home, help each other and the world
- Financial Counceling with Everence
Digital Communications - Resources, Ideas, and Strategies for Connecting Digitally
- Quaker Communications Facebook Group
- Zoom Meeting Basics - A Guide by Craig Freshley of Good Group Decisions
- Zoom Help Center’s Getting Started on Windows and Mac
- Zoom Security Strategies - Zoombombing Prevention and Management
- Connection to the internet for low-income families at home
- Video instructions for using Zoom to access online unprogrammed worship from Woodbrooke Quaker Conference Center
- Welcoming Seekers to Your Online Meeting - Notes from the Local Meetings Respond Series
- Spiritual Facilitation Online a guide by Christine Betz Hall
Pastoral Care - Caring for Each Other and Ourselves
Care For Individuals
- Spiritual Practices for The Pandemic from Friends Journal and Rochester’s Mathilda Navias
- 3/15/2020 Letter to ARCH Visitors
- Spiritual Practices for the Coronavirus Pandemic from
- 10 guidelines for pastoral care during the coronavirus outbreak from The Christian Century
- A Conversation on Grief, Death, and Dying: A Resource for Friends during COVID-19 from FGC
- Support on food and eating issues for people with acute but not critical COVID-19 from Nutritionists for Covid Care
- Pastoral Care at a Distance - Notes from the Local Meetings Respond Series
- Advance Directives - Quaker Values and End of Life Decision Making (Crash Course)
- Handout
- Video Recording of Session 1 (presentation begins at 10 minutes in)
- Notes from Session 1
- Video Recording of Session 2
- Notes from Session 2
Care For Communities
- Call List - Contacting Older Friends an idea from Brooklyn Meeting
- 5 Tips for Online Pastoral Care from Ashley M. Wilcox
- Video about pastoral care and Covid-19 with NEYM’s John Calvi, Macci Schmidt, and Nia Thomas
- 3/30/2020 Letter to ARCH (Aging Resources Consultation and Help) Visitors
Equity and Justice Concerns - Advocating For and Supporting Vulnerable People in Our Communities
- COVID-19 - Advocating for Incarcerated People
- Educational Equity and Coronavirus
- Letter Requesting Immigrants Not Be Excluded from Federal Stimulus for Covid-19
- The Coronavirus (COVID-19): What Trans People Need to Know
- Connection to the internet for low-income families at home
- Give to or request funds from the NYC COVID-19 Impact and Response Fund for NYC based nonprofits that are trying to meet the new and urgent needs that are hitting the city
- Free financial counseling for members and attenders of NYYM’s meetings from Everence
- Grants are available to support Quaker meetings in financial distress from Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), Everence, and Mennonite Central Committee U.S. (MCC U.S.).
Know of a resource that should be here? Fill out this form.