Ashtar Sheran

by Avital Shtapura
Montclair Meeting


The image found here is a 2024 illustration of alleged extraterrestrial being, Ashtar Sheran. This was painted digitally in Photoshop by Avital Shtapura based on other illustrations of Ashtar. Ashtar is the peaceful Commander of the Pleiadian Star Command, first described by George Van Tassel in 1952. Sheran purportedly was keeping humans safe from the hydrogen bomb and sought to prevent the Earth's destruction from nuclear war. 


The art incorporates a few symbols. On the left side of the chest the Star of Ishtar can be seen. This ancient Sumerian symbol represents the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, fertility, divine law, and political power. Next, his cuff has an upside-down Venus symbol. This represents 'Attar, Ashtar's namesake: an ancient Semitic god, identified with the planet Venus, the morning and evening star.


The inversion of the female symbol and correlation with transgender colors is intentional, representing the transcendental and ascended maleness of Ashtar.


A rainbow is visible, representing both divine joy and peace on Earth.


The star cluster above Ashtar's head is the Pleiades star cluster, a constellation inspiring mystical folklore across nearly all human cultures.


The halos around Ashtar represent the fact that he and his fellow beings are supposedly able to generate energy so powerful it is visible to the human eye.