Report from the Quiet Committee (QC)
by Mary Beth W. DiMarco
Syracuse Meeting
The Flower and Finance Subcommittee (FFS) of the Stewardship and Finance Committee (SFC), the only committee with access to a budget, has been approved to purchase 1,234 seedlings from any and all NYYM Regional Quakers (whose gardens date back to early 1800s and are now in need of pruning, but I digress.)
The Flower Power Planters (FPP) — the 2nd subcommittee of the (FFS) — will meet in traditional, Quaker-approved overalls to complete said garden tasks. Garden tools and seeds will be gratefully accepted and/or appropriated.
The Groovy Movie Stars Subcommittee (GMSS) have branched out to an ambitious seven nights a week schedule. The target goal to cover minimal operating costs has not been raised by the anticipated voluntary popcorn fee. Kernels will now be gratefully accepted (and expected) in lieu of an entrance fee for future showings.
The Children’s Playroom will now double as the Syracuse Friends First Day Yoga Studio (SFFDYS). These non-lively sessions will begin immediately after First Day Worship and all are encouraged to attend. Due to the sturdiness of the newer foam play mats, yoga practitioners will be all set to stretch out and shimmy in true Quaker (or is it Shaker?) fashion.
The Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Cake (MWCC) has been meeting joyfully and excitedly before Meeting for Worship (MW) at 8 a.m. Bewildering discussion was had about the abundance of new members showing up, coffee in hand. Recipes are regularly circulated and tested. The unanimous, yet surprising, winner has been the Silent Donut, coming in only one variety: plain.
The Membership Committee (MC) has been happily tasked with attending the (MWCC) to observe the exciting sense of growth, discern new recipes, and ascertain a long-term level of culinary commitment.
The Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Health (MWCH) has received approval to add to its ever-popular line of Quiet Vitamins and Supplements. The QQ Vitamin (Quietly Quaker), in white tablet form, will have no markings. The benefits, as per NYYM, are calm demeanor, increased attendance, and faithful membership, across every region of the state. No participants were available to comment further. It has been noted that none of the members from (MWCC) are members of (MWCH).
The Hospitality Subcommittee for Hilarity and Mirth (HSHM) has been having a lot of fun in the newly formed Fun Fridays in Anticipation of Meeting for Worship 2nd Subcommittee (FFAMWSS). Minutes haven’t been received regarding the joyous details but members have noted feeling more light-hearted when they come to the meetinghouse.
The Mysteries of the Universe Subcommittee (MUS), has been tasked with discovering all the happy details associated with High Hilarity. One concern continuously raised is, how loud is too loud? Not Too Loud (NTL) will now be the guiding term for all meetings. Members discerned the association between High Hilarity and Spiritual Joy. It is hoped that laughter will be ongoing and that joy will be deeply felt.
The QBook Club has now become digital. Each member will now be fitted for a Qring. This was determined to be easier than carrying a book around. When one’s Qphone scans the ring’s Qcode, the digital form of one’s literary interest will be broadcast onto one’s home QTV. That way, in enlarged format, members can sit back, relax and read their assignments, quietly in the comfort of their Qchairs.
This Qcode will also provide the QZoom link, needed for discussions. An added bonus of sporting a Qring is that, when one stands perfectly still for seven seconds at the back door of the meetinghouse, the Qcode can unlock the new digital lock.
The Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Snow (MWCS) has been meeting since November. Due to the outdoor nature of meeting in the back parking lot, minutes have never been taken nor received.
Gentle shoveling techniques were reviewed and Westcott neighbors have reported witnessing silent snowball tosses amongst members.
Qshovels, in soft gray, are now available for loan or purchase. Proceeds will go to the newly formed Hot Chocolate Subcommittee (HCS), under the guiding light of the Hospitality Committee.
The final committee to report is the QSong Committee for Healing and Prosperity (SCHP). Despite the fact that most MW takes place in an atmosphere of silence, the SCHP has proposed that the meeting adopt a tune appropriate for gatherings, outside of worship. It was agreed that “Sounds of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel would fit the bill and appeal to the generally older population of QBoomers. Lyrics will be hyperlinked for those who have forgotten or for those too young to know.
— Submitted, in all humility, by the MWCH