NYYM Treasurer's Report, 11-08-13

Treasurer's Report

Fall Sessions 2013


Good day Friends

I am Susan Bingham from Montclair Monthly Meeting

Copies of the October 2013 reports are available with the other materials near the registration table for you to pick up. The full report is for review only — please leave at least one copy at the table for others to look at. The double sided one page summary is available for you to take. If you need a copy of the full reports, I have several with me. It is also available on the web site or I can send them electronically to you.

The rounded totals are (exact amounts are in parentheses for the minutes):

The opening balance was $205,000 (204,908)
Total receipts for the year are $379,000 (378,838)
Total Disbursements are $397,000 (396,592)
Closing Balance is $187,154 (187,154)
This is a net change of -$18,000 (-17,754)

At this time in 2012 the net change was +$8,000. (+8,026)