Fall Sessions 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015 - 7:30pm to Sunday, November 8, 2015 - 1:30pm
Fall Sessions 2015
November 6–8, 2015
Powell House, Old Chatham, New York
Doane Stuart School, Renssalaer, New York

Friday evening ARCH program
Fall Sessions 2015
Welcome to the summary page for New York Yearly Meeting's 2015 Fall Sessions.
See the table of contents below for documents related to Fall Sessions 2015. See also the sidebar to the left for links to some documents.
Minutes of the Fall Sessions
Actions taken by the gathered body of the Yearly Meeting
- We approved By-laws for New York Yearly Meeting as a corporation.
- We approved the 2016 Budget.
- We heard first readings of several Handbook pages (see below).
- We signed on to a letter addressed to heads of state and parliamentarians attending the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris (COP 21).
- We were introduced to two Friends assuming some of the roles of our Young Adult Field Secretary, who is on medical leave: Emily Provance will work with young adults and their meetings, and Jillian Smith will handle communications and media.
Documents from the Sessions
- Sign-on Letter — Written by globalfrackdown.org to Paris Climate Convention 2015 attendees against fracking
- Epistle — Friends General Conference
- Consent Agenda (including the Handbook page for the Trustees
- Revisions of Handbook pages
- Audit Committee—first reading
- Financial Services Committee—first reading
- Meetings for Discernment—first reading
- Meetings for Discernment Steering Committee—first reading
- NYYM By-laws—approved
Reports to Sessions
- General Secretary
- White Privilege Conference Task Group
- Baltimore Yearly Meeting's Annual Sessions 2015—from Emily Provance
Links to original Fall Sessions web pages:
- Note the table of contents to the left, available from all Summer Sessions pages.
- Original Fall Sessions 2015 portal page
- Agenda
- Clerk's welcome letter
- Advance Documents
- Teen Program
- Sessions Schedule
Resources for this Session
Sign-on Letter, Paris Climate Confention, 2015 | 11/12/2016 |
Fall Sessions 2015, Agendas | 11/07/2015 |
Fall Sessions 2015: Invitations | 11/07/2015 |
Fall Sessions 2015: Teen Program | 11/07/2015 |
Fall Sessions 2015, Schedule | 11/07/2015 |
Report of the General Secretary, Fall Sessions 2015 | 11/07/2015 |
Report: White Privilege Conference Task Group, Fall Sessions 2015 | 11/07/2015 |
Fall Sessions 2015: Original Portal Page | 11/07/2015 |
Fall Sessions 2015: Advance Documents | 11/07/2015 |
Report: Baltimore Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions 2015, Emily Provance | 11/07/2015 |
NYYM Budget 2016 | 01/01/2016 |
Report: BYM Sessions 2015, Emily Provance | 11/14/2015 |
Minutes, Fall Sessions 2015 | 11/14/2015 |
Signon Letter, Paris Climate Convention 2015 | 11/07/2015 |