The current Sessions Committee evolved from the former Administrative Committee.
Purposes & Objectives
The Sessions Committee has general responsibility for the Summer, Fall, and Spring Sessions of New York Yearly Meeting.
Functions & Activities
For Summer Sessions, the committee handles such operational details as:
- negotiates contracts, fees, and other services to best accommodate those attending
- provides for suitable living arrangements for Summer Sessions attenders
- arranges for printing and distributing advance publicity
- takes responsibility for inviting guest speakers and arranging for their hospitality and other needs
- manages the appropriate use of funds from the Operating Budget
For Spring and Fall Sessions, the committee schedules host regions. The Spring Fall Sessions Subcommittee, working with the clerk of the Yearly Meeting, assists the host committee as needed to:
- arrange suitable locations
- set up programs (speakers, topics, etc.) and schedules
- arrange for printing and distributing advance publicity
- provide direction for the appropriate use of funds from registration fees and the Operating Budget
The Program Subcommittee has five or more members, including the Yearly Meeting clerk. It develops, under the guidance of the whole committee, the overall program for Summer Sessions, reviews the schedule, and invites speakers.
The Summer Sessions Arrangements Subcommittee, composed of the Summer Sessions Arrangements Coordinators, works with the venue regarding food, space, and equipment requirements; checks registration forms in cooperation with the Spark editor and Junior Yearly Meeting coordinators; and assists, when needed, the Liaison Committee.
The Spring Fall Subcommittee carries out the responsibilities listed above that are related to Spring and Fall NYYM Sessions, and acts as liaison between Sessions and the regional host committees.
Organization & Method of Appointment
The membership of the Sessions Committee includes the clerk and assistant clerk of Yearly Meeting; one or two Yearly Meeting staff; the Junior Yearly Meeting Coordinator(s); the Junior Yearly Meeting high school clerk(s); representatives from an organized young adult group whenever such exists; one representative each from General Services, Ministry, Nurture, and Witness Coordinating committees; and nine at‐large members. The latter are appointed by the Yearly Meeting for three year terms, approximately one‐third named each year, upon the recommendation of the Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee.
All members of the committee, both those serving by reason of their office and those appointed as at‐large members, are expected not only to attend meetings of the entire Sessions Committee, but must also serve on one or more subcommittees as well.
The Nominating Subcommittee has two or more members and should be named at the first meeting at Summer Sessions. It recommends Sessions Committee clerk and other officers as desired and appointees to General Services Coordinating Committee and Junior Yearly Meeting Committee. Further, this subcommittee brings the names to the full committee, for approval, for all Summer Session Arrangements Coordinator positions.
Meeting Times & Places
The committee meets in early fall, mid‐winter, early spring, and at all NYYM sessions.
The committee is funded from the Operating Budget.
Expenses covered include: fees; room, board and travel for invited guests to Summer Sessions; expenses relating directly to Summer Sessions; expenses for Spring and Fall Sessions; and committee travel.